Homemade Garlic Sauce Recipe

ada 1 head of garlic, peeled and minced
Juice of 1 lemon
ad 1 teaspoon of salt
de 1 cup of olive oil
izar 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt (optional, for softening)

How to Prepare

In the glass of a blender, place the crushed garlic cloves, lemon juice and salt.
Start diluting at low speed and, gradually, pour the olive oil into a steady drizzle. This will help emulsify the mixture and turn it into a creamy, homogenous sauce.
If you find the sauce too strong or thick, you can add a spoonful of natural yogurt to soften its flavor and texture.
Keep processing until the sauce reaches the desired consistency.
Taste and adjust flavor with more salt or lemon if necessary.
Serve the garlic sauce as a side dish for meats, fish, roasted vegetables, or as a salad dressing.
Preparation Time 10 minutes
Total time 10 minutes
Kcal 120 per serving (2 spoons each)
Rations Approximately 1 cup

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