The cut is incredible! you can’t imagine the deliciousness! the creaminess, the moist, the spectacular look of this cake!

I recommend you don’t take long to do it, you’ll really love it!

If you’re excited, don’t forget to mention me in your stories or posts

Ingredients for the carrot cake
75 gr gluten-free oat flour

75g almond flour (or whole oat flour)

15 gr baking powder

2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder

2 eggs L

110g Greek yogurt or whipped fresh cheese

1 tablespoon of vanilla paste

150 gr shredded carrot

50g nuts (optional)

2 scoops of date jam

2 tablespoons of honey (sweetener is optional or add whichever you like and however you like to your taste)

25 ml coconut oil

Ingredients for the cheesecake
450 gr light cream cheese

125 gr Greek yogurt

2 eggs

1 teaspoon of vanilla paste

2 scoops of date jam
Ingredients for the frosting
120 gr light cream cheese

2 scoops of fresh whipped cheese or Greek yogurt

2 teaspoons of xylitol to sweeten

Part 1 preparation of carrot cake mix
We preheat the oven to 180oC and prepare the mold by lining it all inside with baking paper and put in the oven a rectangular or round mold larger than the one we will use as a bathroom, because we will bake this cheesecake in the bathroom Maria. I heat water before I put it in my Smeg boiler and insert the hot water into it.

We mixed all the ingredients of the carrot cake, we started by mixing and sifting all the dry ingredients: the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and we reserved it.

In a large bowl we mix, egg, fresh whipped cheese or yogurt and vanilla.

We incorporate the dried to this mixture and when it is integrated we add the carrot, sweetener, melted coconut oil and pieces of walnuts, integrating with surrounding movements with a spatula.

We reserve the mixture while we prepare the cheesecake.

Part 2 cheesecake preparation
In a bowl we mix all the ingredients seamlessly, resulting in a smooth and liquid cream.
Part 3 We pass the mixes to the mold
In the well lined and prepared mold, pour half of the carrot cake mixture, placing it at the bottom of the mold.

Then we pour all the cheesecake.

On top of the cheesecake, we put stickers from the carrot cake mixture and then with a stick, between we mix the mixture with the cheesecake so that it is sealed in the baking.

We introduced the fine lined outside mold with aluminum foil in the oven bathroom for 60 minutes. Once this weather is over, we turn off the oven and open the door, inside open, another half hour until it cools down inside the oven.

Once cold or warm, we take out of the oven, let cool to room temperature, cover with a cloth or film paper and refrigerate for a few hours or from one day to the next.

Preparing the frosting or frosting decoration
We mix all the ingredients in a bowl with some rods so that everything is well mix and apply on our molded cake, and on the presentation plate. We decorated the top with half walnuts and a little sprinkle of cinnamon.

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