For the dough
1 cup (tea) powdered milk
1 cup (tea) chocolate powder
1/2 can of condensed milk
For the filling:
50 grams of grated coconut
1/2 can of condensed milk Preparation
Preparation method
For the dough:
Mix the powdered milk and chocolate well, gradually adding condensed milk until the dough no longer sticks to your hands. Roll out the dough between 2 pieces of plastic film, forming a rectangle. Spread the filling and roll up like a roulade. Wrap with plastic wrap and place in the fridge until it hardens. When the roulade is firm, cut the sweets to the desired thickness.
The dough is already very sweet, so prefer to use powdered chocolate instead of chocolate.
The amount of condensed milk that will be used in the dough varies, so it is important that it is added slowly, and always mixing. The dough comes away slightly from your hands, but continues to “mellow” and stick together a little. If you notice that it is “overdone”, add more powdered milk or chocolate

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